Call us today! (800) 966-7392
Call us today! (800) 966-7392
Specialty Experts is the trusted authority to provide the guidance you need to develop a winning case strategy.
Begin by submitting a request to our team. Be sure to include all pertinent information, including:
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Our team will review your submitted information and schedule a complimentary call with your expert. Our next steps include retention for:
Our medical experts will review your submitted information and determine the best path forward based on the available medical evidence. Our next steps include:
Your case will be thoroughly reviewed by the expert and Specialty Experts will arrange a call to discuss findings. Our experts can assist with:
“Dr. Cohen provides an authoritative voice on all aspects of his specialty with clear, concise communication that is based on both scientific fact and experience, while avoiding medical terminology, but rather speaking in terms easily understood by the general public.”
– B.L. Attorney
“Thanks to Dr. Cohen, we realized we didn’t have a case and didn’t spend a lot of wasted time or money.”
-B.C. Attorney
"Dr. Dobson was an excellent Expert for our legal team. Dr. Dobson was knowledgeable, poised, and able to articulate complex psychological findings to the jury, in a jargon-free language they appreciated." -P.M. Attorney
Contact our team and gain confidence in your legal assessments.
Contact Information
Phone: (800) 966-7392 | Email: | Based in Atlanta, GA & Los Angeles, CA